Simhub is not developed by us and therefore we can not make changes to the software
Simhub configuration
IMPORTANT: First connect the USB cable to power the display and then connect the HDMI cable.
Click on Arduino and then on the My Hardware tab, and then select Single arduino, so it can detect the TOMY D2 Pro HDMI 5 "dashboard.
Simhub configuration for LEDs
1. Download the zip file from the following download site download, unzip it and copy the file "TOMY D2 Pro HDMI 5.ledsprofile" in "Documents\Simhub"
2. Go to the "RGB Leds" tab and click on "Profiles manager"
3. In the new window click on "Import profile" and select the file "TOMY D2 Pro HDMI 5.ledsprofile"
4. It will load the LED file and you can click on "LOAD" to load it.
If the effect group "WHEN GAME IS RUNNING" is displayed, all the added effects for the LEDs can be seen as shown in the image.
Simhub is already configured to work with the TOMY D2 Pro HDMI 5" dashboard LEDs
Setting the percentages for RPMs
It is necessary to configure the percentage of RPMs from which the LEDs will start to light up, it can be configured for all cars and also a configuration for each car separately. A reference configuration is shown in the image that you can modify to your liking.
Display settings in Windows
1. Right click on the Windows desktop and select "Display Settings"
2. In "Multiple screens" choose "Extend these screens".
Using Dash Studio
To load a dash on the screen you have to use Dash Studio.
Games configuration
When you select a game, a message will appear at the top with the instructions necessary to configure the game, you have to follow those instructions so that the game sends the necessary information to Simhub. In some games this configuration can be manual or automatic, simply select one of the two options.