Program to send game data to the electronic device. Developed by Tomy Racing.
Simhub is a program to transfer information from games to electronic devices. You can create your own screens and it has multiple tools to configure different devices. Developed by Wotever (Simhub has not been developed by us and we cannot make changes to the program).
- Hmistruct, hmijmap, and ledsprofile files for Simhub
Files necessary for the device to work with the Simhub program. In the documents tab you will find information to configure Simhub with these files.
Firmware is a program that establishes the lowest level logic that controls the electronic circuits of a device of any type.
You can access the latest firmware version from the following link.
NOTICE: If you update to the latest version of the layouts, you also have to update the hmistruct, hmijmap and ledsprofile files to the latest version and update to the latest version of Tom Connector if this is the program you are using to control your device.
You can access the latest version of the schemes from the following link.