Update firmware and schematics for TOMY D2 Pro 3.2"
Update firmware

To update the firmware of our instrument panel TOMY D2 Pro 3.2" we simply have to download the latest firmware from the following link:

Firmwares TOMY D2 Pro 3.2"

Unzip the .zip file anywhere and run "Tom Firmware updater.exe", the program will detect your device and you can press the Upload button to start the update.

Update layouts

It is important to have the latest firmware installed in our device to be able to update the layouts, the layouts are the device's telemetry screens, the update is to correct errors and add new telemetry screens.

First download the update from the following link:

Layouts TOMY D2 Pro 3.2"

Unzip the .zip file anywhere and run "TOM Nextion Uploader.exe", indicate the COM where the device is and click on the Upload button to start the update.